Elon Musk Wants a New World Order
European governments are becoming increasingly alarmed at Elon Musk's interference in their internal affairs. Is Musk's plan for world domination likely to succeed, or make him into a global pariah?

The world's richest person is pursuing the Kremlin's script — and represents a threat to Western democracies, says US tech expert Dave Troy.
Insults, demands for resignation, coup fantasies: Elon Musk is driving Europe's politics. Only the AfD can save Germany, Musk wrote. British Prime Minister Keir Starmer must also resign immediately, according to the richest man in the world. For Dave Troy, this is much more than just clumsy provocation. Musk is following a clearly defined plan, says the US tech expert. Troy is one of the world's most sought-after experts on extremism on the Internet and regularly speaks about disinformation.
Mr. Troy, Elon Musk interferes in European politics with contributions on his platform X. Why?
Musk sees himself as part of a movement that wants to reorganize the world. He currently acts as a proxy for Russia's political goals. He has been in direct contact with Vladimir Putin and former President Dmitry Medvedev in recent years.
How does it fit into the picture that Musk has recently concentrated on Germany and Great Britain with his contributions?
The Russian regime is also trying to bring right-wing governments to power in these countries. Musk's interventions are not in the interest of US politics, he pursues his own program. It is consistent with the program that Putin's chief propagandist Alexander Dugin has given. A geopolitical reorganization in which the autocratic states dominate.
What makes you so sure that Elon Musk and Russia's politics are so closely linked?
Russia wants to redistribute global power, away from the USA towards a multipolar world. In this world, the end of the existing order is being discussed. Musk also wants a new world order. The statements and demands of Dugin and Musk are closely linked.
Musk's interventions are pretty wild, he tweets over 60 times a day. He makes obscure jokes, comments on everything. Is there really a strategic plan behind it or is it not more of a pure desire for provocation?
Musk firmly believes that not only logical arguments, but also memes and occult allusions can influence public discourse. He acts as if he had read the script of Rasputin, the occult advisor of the Russian tsar from the 20th century. He said he had magical powers. Alexander Dugin has also studied intensively figures such as Rasputin.

Can you give a concrete example?
Musk has constantly criticized Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau over the past 18 months, which has put him under massive pressure. On Monday, Trudeau announced his resignation. Alexander Dugin recently said on X that it was enough to publicly propose the resignations of Starmer and Macron to get rid of them.

The direct contact of Elon Musk with Vladimir Putin has been documented by the Wall Street Journal. Is Musk's proximity to the Kremlin also the reason why he attacks only Western European states
Yes, he is silent about the Russian regime, just as he does not comment on the oppression of the Uyghurs or other human rights violations in China. He shares the worldviews of the regimes in Moscow and Beijing, who want to attack democratic states.
The AfD is close to the Kremlin, Keir Starmer is clearly on the side of Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky. What do Musk's interventions mean for the Ukraine war?
In the USA, some people still hope that the Trump administration will grant Ukraine further funds. I do not share this optimism. They will probably initially give lip service and hypocritical support, but ultimately will not provide additional funds. I also expect a new attack by Trump on NATO, either by abandoning the alliance, or through inaction. Furthermore, it is Russia's goal to weaken the defense capacity of the United States.
What does this mean for Ukraine?
I believe we will see a drive towards a Soviet idea of peace, that is, that Ukraine simply has to capitulate to the Kremlin's ideas.

How should Europe react?
Europeans must become 'strategically autonomous.' It is very possible that the US will no longer guarantee Europe's defense. It is not clear whether this will take two, four or eight years. But it is the direction in which things are heading.
How big is Musk's influence in European countries?
He sets up a storm. He has also messed with the British right-wing foreign politician Nigel Farage, although he is actually an ally of Putin. In Germany, Musk's support for the AfD was a wake-up call. Many have approved of this because they share certain positions of the AfD. But they overlook the AfD's connections to other right-wing extremist networks. Many AfD members have expressed abominable views, up to the point of denying the Holocaust. Musk makes these opinions a topic of conversation, but they should be settled history.
Musk described German President Frank-Walter Steinmeier as an "anti-democratic tyrant". He called on King Charles to dissolve the parliament in Great Britain. Can't you just ignore Musk?
If everyone participates and ignores Musk together, that would be ideal. Unfortunately, it has great influence and can influence the global discourse.
Musk's social media platform X has lost several million users since its acquisition. How influential is X?
X is influential because so many people believe in its effectiveness. Many things start at X and then spread on. If people stopped giving it so much importance, we could go on with our lives normally and governments could do their work sensibly. That would be very desirable, because people are tired of this chaos.
Why does Elon Musk fascinate such a large audience?
He has deliberately created a cult around himself. Young men in particular are eager to follow him. They admire his success and wish to emulate it. Many of them, in their twenties, are looking for meaning in life. They struggle with their livelihood, education is arduous, and artificial intelligence changes a lot. The Internet has changed the way people make contacts and find partners. As a result, he gains unpaid amplifiers that spread his messages. Their importance is clearly underestimated.
To what extent?
Because it represents a strategic advantage for Musk. Let's say the US government wants to send soldiers into a war. If Musk then calls this war unjust on X, he can undermine the morale of the army.
In the news magazine "Spiegel", the German Minister of Economics Robert Habeck recently commented sharply on Musk. The European Union must force Musk to disclose the algorithms of X. What do you think about it?
A fundamental accountability is necessary. European states must ask themselves how these tech companies work and whether they comply with European laws.
And in the worst case scenario, the EU would have to block X?
If Musk does not abide by European laws, he should not be allowed to do business in Europe. Of course, blocking X at the country-level could be bypassed with Virtual Private Networking programs. Nevertheless, it is central that the European countries demand accountability. This is also about Musk's worldview.
What do you mean?
Musk believes that he does not have to comply with laws or demands, since his worldview is based on a global government and claiming power globally. Just like the worldview of Vladimir Putin. Musk therefore considers it unacceptable that countries are erecting obstacles to freedom of expression. Everything should be able to be distributed on his platform, no matter how hideous it is. States can only contain this negative influence through regulations.

Robert Habeck said: "We cannot accept that an American tech billionaire and algorithms from China decide which government Germany gets." Is the German Minister of Economy exaggerating?
No, this position is not exaggerated. Of course, all possible factors influence which party prevails in elections. But countries like Germany have the right to determine who is directing the discourse in their country. This is not only evident in X, but also in Tiktok. Right-wing libertarians from the USA want to buy the platform. Tiktok could end up being even more ideologically colored than it already is, under Chinese property. This is a dangerous path. These platforms are influencing us, and the question of how to control them will be crucial over the next ten years.
Marc Zuckerberg wants to abolish fact-checkers on Facebook and Instagram. Instead, he wants to insert "community notes" in which users identify false statements. What do you think?
Elon Musk's X also uses these community notes. Zuckerberg is influenced by Musk. In Silicon Valley, the feeling is growing that one must be on the right political side. No one wants to end up on the enemy list of Trump or Musk. That fits Zuckerberg, who has always been an ideological chameleon.
How will this change affect Facebook's content?
I expect more speculative content, supplemented by community notes. Crazy claims that are provided with the hint: "According to the community notes, this is wrong, there is more information here." This system is certainly better than nothing. But the spread of false claims remains problematic. The crucial thing is how the community notes are managed. If all users can simply add contributions to them, this can promote disinformation. The political dimension also seems interesting to me.
What do you mean by that?
Will the German government accept this approach, demand changes or even block it? That remains to be seen. In any case, Musk – and now Zuckerberg – present a challenge to European politics.
Some of Musk's interventions are hardly in Donald Trump's interest. Trump can hardly negotiate with Keir Starmer if at the same time Musk demands his resignation. Why doesn't Trump tell him to stop?
The gap between the traditional "Make America Great Again" (MAGA) base and the movement shaped by Musk is growing. Musk claims leadership and puts his word above that of Trump. That upsets a lot of people. The Maga base and many Christian nationalists reject Musk and his views. This has a potential for conflict.
Do you expect a dispute between Elon Musk and Donald Trump?
I'm not sure if that will actually happen. However, there could be problems with Trump's new chief of staff, Susie Wiles, who runs a strict regime. If Musk tweets something thoughtless at three o'clock in the morning and Wiles and her team then have to repair the damage, it won't go well for very long. A reconciliation of the centers of power between Trump, Wiles, Musk and others in the MAGA universe is necessary. Currently, Musk is acting as if he is the ultimate power behind Donald Trump, as well as the ultimate power in countries like Great Britain, Germany and France. We will see how this dynamic develops.

On the 20th Donald Trump begins his presidency in January. Will Musk then moderate himself?
That is the crucial question. On the 20th In January, Donald Trump will be US president, not Elon Musk. Trump has access to practical things, information, intelligence services that Musk is missing. A few weeks after taking office, we will know how this will develop. Currently, Musk is taking advantage of the plasticity of this transition period. He can play and experiment with his role as self-proclaimed king of the world. He tests loyalties, possibilities and limits. Setbacks can only happen when Trump is in power. Then we will gain a feeling for what is feasible. It is possible that Musk will then adapt and moderate.
What will happen to Elon Musk in the long term?
Musk is definitely a threat to liberal democracy. It is possible that some countries will want to arrest him at some point. He is heading for a path where he either triumphs and becomes king of the world — or ends up as a globally despised pariah. A middle ground does not exist, at least not with his current behavior.
Thank you to Simon Widmer and Der Tages-Anzeiger for permission to reproduce this translated story here.